Hello Dear readers (if there are any). My friend introduced me to her blog : http://thedoorisalwaysopenforthosewhowait.blogspot.com/
So for some odd reason i felt compelled to make my own blog. Thing is I had a blog but thanks to my OH SO AWESOME MEMORY i forgot the password & email.
My first entry of the year and also on this blog is going to be about my Dear friend Meara a.k.a Meatball :D She kinda indirectly hinted me to write about her EHE.
FLASHBACK: When i first met her i was 12 or maybe younger? She and I clicked and as every other normal kid we did stupid stuff, gossip :p ...etc. We would tell each other everything (i think lol), even went to the same bible study, went through puberty together aha, had many things in common and eventually we became inseparable. As for her family. Her father was & is still a great cook, my favorite dish would always be spicy noodles with God Knows what secret magic ingredients he puts in :) As for her mother she is a great singer & loves to see children eat? HAHA but best of all they were kind people. I'd have to admit that throughout this friendship I discovered the many flaws she and I had. Guess this is what they call growing up haha XD! So high school came along and Bitches were dealt with though it did quite a lot of damage to our friendship. Praise God we pulled through :D I guess as we grew up (got more mature *SARCASM INTENDED*), met different people, discovered more about ourselves (identity) we kinda drifted. At least that was how I felt. I still feel like that occasionally and do miss the times we had when we were younger :3 I do thank God that we are still good friends (not as close as we used to be but better than nothing). LOVE U LOADS MEATBALL (happy now?)
I could literally write a book on our history but i prefer not too :) Don't want the readers to fall asleep now do we :p
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